Tales of the Old West Notecards by Andy Thomas
This entertaining scene, thanks to Thomas’s imagination and his brush, brings together some of America’s well-known, beloved writers and storytellers.
Each set contains 10 cards and envelopes. Dimensions: 4″ X 6″
One of these tellers of tales was Jim Baker, who is featured enthralling the group with a story. In 1839, he left the civilized world to become a mountain man in the vast and cruel American West. Baker survived to live long enough to see the city of Denver emerge where he and the Arapho and Cheyenne had once roamed. In 1839, Jim Baker left the civilized world to become a mountain man in the vast and cruel American West. He lived long enough to see the city of Denver emerge where he and the Arapho and Cheyenne had once roamed.
By 1895, Denver was a city of 120,000 people with a telephone system, an opera house, and modern refrigeration. Baker could enjoy a frosty Coors beer or perhaps an ice cream sundae. In the Denver Evening Post, he could read the news from Europe, perhaps events of the same day, thanks to transatlantic cables. From Denver, Baker could travel in a comfortable rail car across the continent.
Denver had everything except Bakers tales of the Old West.